ARTS is committed to partnership between Africa and the west in the development of effective theological education in Africa. The west and Africa have special and unique gifts and contributions to make to the enterprise of equipping pastors and church leaders for gospel-driven churches and for biblical reformation. Our western lecturers are from the US, Canada and Australia. Of 26 lecturers, ARTS currently has three African lecturers from Uganda and two from Zimbabwe. The future of African theological education requires developing an army of Bible-soaked and theologically sound Africans who are credentialed and qualified to teach at the graduate level. ARTS has the goal of developing our own graduates who are gifted and called to pursue doctoral level training and to be qualified to teach at ARTS. This is one of the best ways for a seminary to develop its faculty: Pray for the Lord to raise up seminary level lecturers and seek to raise funding and to invest in its qualified graduates to complete advance, doctoral training. Presently, Eric Kamoga of Uganda, lecturer in Greek, Ethics and NT Studies, is pursuing a PhD program at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Additional ARTS students are showing the required gifts and voicing interest in doctoral studies as well. A number of good options in doctoral programs are available, some in Africa. However, doctoral level theological training is very expensive. If you wish to partner with ARTS in training the next generation of African nationals to teach at ARTS, and you live in the US, you may direct gifts as follows:
All checks for ARTS faculty development should be made to and sent to:
North City Presbyterian Church
Attn Treasurer/Financial Director
11717 Poway Rd
Poway CA, 92064
Gifts should be designated “ARTS Faculty Development.” If you wish to sponsor a specific ARTS graduate who has been approved by the ARTS faculty and Governing Council to pursue a doctoral program, please indicate the graduate’s name in this communication. Otherwise, you will be assigned to a graduate who is pursuing a doctoral program. All gifts are fully tax-deductible and will be used in entirety for the sponsorship of a specific graduate to pursue a doctorate.
For gifting information and where to direct funding for doctoral level sponsorship of an ARTS faculty candidate, donors from countries other than the US should contact the Business Manager at ARTS at